School Rules and Regulations
- All are expected to speak English in the school premises.
- Personal cleanliness and hygiene in class and school premises are expected from all students.
- All should be particularly careful not to throw papers, seeds, chewing gum etc. anywhere in the school premises.
- Other than text books or library books, other books and magazines, gadgets like video games, cameras, mobile phone, laser light, computer games and electronic items shall not be brought to school.
- Pupils suffering from contagious and infectious diseases shall not attend the school until a fitness medical certificate is produced from the hospital.
- The student is responsible for taking care of his/her belongings text books, notebooks, pencil, rubber, bags, money etc.
- Students or teachers shall not sell anything or collect money for any purpose in the school premises unless the initiative is taken by the school.
- Students should follow the instructions given by the teachers and authority.
- Students violating the rules and regulations of the school will be subject to disciplinary action.
- Students’ complaints will be dealt by the class teachers /sectional coordinators/student counselor or the Principal, or by a team consist of all or some of them.
- Daily attendance and punctuality are essential for success. Students are expected to attend school regularly and to attend All classes. Students are expected to be on time for classes and activities.
- Students are expected to be prepared for and to participate in each class to meet performance standards, to have necessary study materials, to complete class work and homework as instructed and on time, and to prepare for quizzes and tests.
- Students are expected to be honest, behave with dignity and treat others with respect and courtesy. Behavior of any student should not interfere with the right of others. Students are expected to come to school free from influence of tobacco products, alcohol or drugs.
- Students are expected to comply with all school rules and to obey laws. Students are expected to respond in a respectful manner to Principal, all teachers and school staff while under the jurisdiction of the school and while participating in school-sponsored activities.
- Students are expected to treat all properties belonging to the school and to others with care.
- The official uniform and the rules pertaining to the general appearance of student’s encompasses the overall neatness and uniformity of the students and their being identifiable with the school. Only official badges or signs awarded by the school to students, for example, school captains, prefects, awards for achievements etc. may be worn in addition to the official school uniform. If the offence is committed again, the object(s) will be confiscated and only returned at the end of the school year. Students share this responsibility because they can be identified with the school through their school uniform. Their conduct at all times therefore must be civilized, orderly, friendly, courteous, considerate and honest.
- Students are expected to contribute to a safe school environment free from fear and violence.
- Students will not be promoted to the next grade level if he/she fails for more than two subjects in one or both of the term examinations.