Academic Activities

Sports Week

It is a colorful and joyful event of the school. The objectives of the Sports Week are:

  • To produce healthy minds
  • To provide students opportunity of healthy environment
  • To incorporate sense of competition and sportsmanship in students

The school conducts Sports Week every year in the month of February.

Club Activities

Clubs at school enhance learning through interaction and discussion. Every activity carried out by the club will encourage students to cultivate a different perception of life. Students get an opportunity to showcase and groom their talents. The different clubs at BSB are Social Science Club, Math Club, English Club, Science Club, Islamite Club, Bangla Club, Commerce Club and ICT club.

Field Trips

Field Trips provide alternative educational opportunities for children and also provide the opportunity to0 take a break from their normal routine and experience more hands-on learning. The school conducts Field Trips for students belong to all sections throughout the academic year.

Color Day

The motive of celebrating Color Day is to make the students aware of how color makes our world a better place and its significance. The KG section of BSB celebrates different Color Days like Red Day, Green Day, Yellow Day and Blue Day.

Fund Raising Day

The benefits of school fund raising go well beyond supplementing the school’s budget for thing like field trips, enrichment programs and facilities upgrades. The school’s Fund-Raising Day usually falls in the month of November